A New Place of Safety

A frown crossed Kohaku's full muzzle as Amy laughed at his actions. It was good that she din't yell at him, but she didn't have to laugh at him. Kohaku didn't think it was funny, and he certainly wasn't too thrilled with being around Amy. She called him names, something he just couldn't forgive. Puppy blue eyes watched Amy, unsure as to what to think of his situation. He didn't know what Amy was planning and his only truth were the lies she fed him.

Kohaku's boundless energy let him play and run for as long as his little puppy heart desired. He chased the wooden toy with enthusiasm and was more than happy to bring it back to Amy for another round of tug-o-war. Amy was able to play with him for a long time, tossing the toy every time she managed to jerk the wooden toy free. Kohaku didn't even notice how much time had passed. He just wanted to keep playing. If allowed, Kohaku would continue the game till he dropped from exhaustion. His sides heaved a little as he panted slightly, but one look at his wagging tail would tell anyone that he was more than ready to continue on for another few hours.

Word Count → 000

Razy Table.

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