Mind Games

Word Count → 415 :: OoC: Holy crap a good post, and here I thought my brain had turned to mush...That's it I'm having a glass of Merlot every night ..xDD This should be fun!

The map was confusing, old, and frayed about the edges; the print vague. He’d been turning it about and squinting at it for the better half of the morning, even as he tread ever on. After trekking the mountain foothills for hours he’d finally reached the flatlands. He was ready for a rest, a reprieve from his hopeless meandering. Stars above, was he a terrible navigator! Even his “lucky toes” were failing him. With sword sheathed about his belt and shield resting at his back he paused to gaze about him, consulting the map once more before he plopped down rather unceremoniously upon the grasses. His wandering hazel eyes gleamed a vibrant honey-amber in the light the day afforded him as he looked about. There was nothing too remarkable here as to pique his interest, except for the mountains which he could still glimpse upon the horizon. It was a towering giant, all hard grey stone and snow-capped peaks, which brought to light a strange coincidence. He’d crossed these foothills before…Hadn’t he?

It had only be a couple days ago… Unless his sense of time had somehow become warped lacking the tight schedule of the warrior clan which he’d recently departed from. Was there another mountain range in Nova Scotia he wasn’t aware of? Tossing his satchel upon the ground he unfurled the map again, settling it in his lap as he did so. It opened and showed him a contradicting image to the one he’d glimpsed before. But that couldn’t be right…there was only one mountain range…The Halycon. “What! No, that can't be right!” He shouted incredulously. He’d been looking at it upside down. “Mother’s mercy, I’ve been reading the damned thing wrong this entire time…no wonder.” He sighed. The hood of his patched green traveling cloak fell down to his eyes with the motion of his overzealous hands, and he had to push it out of his eyes and off his head. “Oh yes, you’re so very clever, Alister. A credit to your species, indeed!”

He was so wrapped up in his foundering that he didn’t notice the scent of the female who drew ever nearer to him, nor was he aware of the racket he was making in the process. It wasn’t until the silvery woman was within yards that his eyes did dart to address the moving object in his peripherals. The hybrid was entirely unaware of the discomfort his pedigree might cause the she-wolf and he jumped up at her approach.

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