
As he drew closer, it was clear enough that this wolf wasn’t Phoenix. He knew it couldn’t have been. His friend had been gone for quite a few months now. If he would have returned, Pilot imagined a much better reunion then finding the former Alpha straying through Ethereal Eclipse.

He didn’t seem familiar, but that wasn’t saying a lot. Pilot didn’t know many of the coyotes (only one or two actually) and could easily mistake this stranger as one in Inferni’s ranks. It made him a little uneasy to consider that possibility. Why was this coyote so close to Twilight Vale’s territory? Inferni wasn’t anywhere near Ethereal Eclipse.

"Where you headed to? Maybe I can help you find it." Pilot figured in this way, he could drop the Inferni coyote a hint. And if they were merely a passing stranger, maybe he could truthfully point them in whichever way they intended to head, with the exception of Twilight Vale.


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