Troubling Child

One of the most adventurous things left us is to go to bed. For no one can lay a hand on our dreams.

OOC Text:

Word Count: 240

Alastar grumbled. She was bored, Mato was off berry picking, and she didn't have a clue as to where Athena and Nanuak were. So she set out from the cave earlier in the morning, in search of her own adventure. However, all the little wolf-dog had found so far in the name of adventure was a half injured sparrow...which wound up being her breakfast.

The sheer uneventfulness made Alastar groan again. Her tail swayed lazily behind her. She noted she had wandered quite far from her usual valley home; the territory was unfamilar, but it would be no big deal finding her way back. New scents and sights made the little one smile as she absentmindedly sated an itch behind her ear; and then there was a newer scent. It made her head tilt, and stomach quiver. It was a canine-scent. The same general scent that accompanied Athena, Thana, and Anna, but, of course, it couldn't be someone she'd already met. Alastar rolled her golden eyes, then trotted to a rock. She lay down under it, yawning, waiting for the scent to get closer.

In her waiting, she discerned three wolves, she thought, but she could not tell their gender. Nor could she see the beings yet. Alastar sighed, and laid her head down. She was going to have to stop wandering away from the den so often. She was tired of realizing how many wolves there were out there.

I wish I was strong enough to lift not one, but both of us.


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