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Hadley's tail wagged behind him, hearing Adriana's compliment for Blessing. He loved the big horse. It was wonderful that Isa had been so thoughtful, trading for horses for all of them. He wasn't sure what she had traded for them, but it was a wonderful deal. She always seemed to know what Hadley wanted. He loved the horses, as little as he knew about them. Hadley was gentle with them, caring and feeding them when he could and Dixie and Wayne hadn't done it already.

She's just right. Even if she wasn't the best for riding. Mostly it was Hadley sitting on her back while Blessing did whatever she wanted. She didn't know how to listen to him, and he didn't know how to steer her. The large mare tried to avoid getting him on her back as well, but at least she settled down once that happened. As Adriana brought her horse to a trot Blessing picked up speed, turning and veering away from where Adriana was. Embarrassing that he couldn't turn her. Good. He shouted it over his shoulder, hoping Adrian wouldn't think he was being rude.

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