What is this?

http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r173 ... header.jpg); background-attach:top center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-color:#162022;">

sharksIf he looked for them, Arkham could possibly connect himself in one way or another to a vast majority of the population in the area. His mother had had at least four litters; the fathers of those litters likely had other litters. His siblings had relationships; his father did, undoubtedly, but even with the general knowledge, it would be difficult for him to comprehend just how extensive his family was, especially if those that weren't direct blood relatives and those that were adopted in were considered. Given all those connections though, it was cruelly ironic that there always seemed to be conflict, even now.

sharksMolochai was Gabriel's littermate, he knew, but he didn't remember ever having met the man; this only confirmed that the event Skoll described had taken place a long time ago already, at least as far as he was concerned. He imagined this Naniko girl -- or really, she had to be a woman by now -- had strayed too close to the borders, though "too close" might have been defined differently by Molochai. The pups that had attacked had to have been Samael and Ahemait. It was almost unfortunate that Arkham found that he could understand both sides of the fight too clearly. His family was high strung and eager to defend to the point that it didn't really seem like defense anymore. Gabriel had told him once that wolves had killed his brother while he watched. If true, the coyote could understand why those sorts of sentiments never really went away.

sharksAt the very least, he could understand now why his eldest brother had warned him away from Storm that day. It had been a confusing time as he had made a friend out of Phasma, however briefly, but he had never seen her again, so it hadn't mattered in the end. Well, that's not hard to believe, he gave a small laugh. I suppose they're convinced the world is against them, so they have to take down the world before the opposite can happen. He doubted Gabriel would ever believe in peace. No one died though, he mused, Could you say it turned out okay, then?


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