A Canine Encounter


The circumstances of ones birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.

OOC Text:

Athena follow behind the black wolf, patient even though it was taking seemingly forever. The brown pup found no difficulty in keeping pace with the other and when Alastar picked up her pace, so did Athena. She thought it was amazing that she could move so swiftly and still be as quiet as ever. She often time, when her and Nanuak would traverse the beaches, would run down the beaches and try to disturb as less sand as she possibly could. Of course that was very hard to do but she did learn how to control her body as she runs so that her paws make less impact.

She breathed in through her mouth and nose and the scent of pine assaulted her nose and she grinned. She love the scent and decided that the scent was one of her favorite smells, besides the scent of the salty ocean. When Alastar stopped, Athena watched her curiously and saw the mischievous grin that made the brown pup’s ears swivel back in a slight confusion. Suddenly the Alastar knocked the pine beside Athena and coated the brown pup’s fur with morning pine scented dew. With that Athena grinned wolfishly and bounded after Alastar, hoping that the pup hadn’t forgotten about seeing these deer and if she hadn’t then hoping she knew what she was doing. Still though, Athena felt the need to keep her mouth closed and her noise to a minimum, not just because it was necessary but because it was really fun to see how quiet she could be.

Time stands still, beauty and all she is.


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