A Canine Encounter

One of the most adventurous things left us is to go to bed. For no one can lay a hand on our dreams.

OOC Text:

Word Count: 254

Alastar giggled softly and wiggled her butt in the air. Well, Mato says is hard for a lone wolf, specially a pup, catch a deer! Der fast an' der's a lot of 'em, see? Alastar poked her puppy nose over the cliff and counted a couple of the deer. One...two...tree..four... She stopped, and thought, not caring what came after four. But, der's some...uh...Bucks! That's what der called. Bucks. The boy deer. Dey's down there too! The energetic pup bounced around and giggled again, then looked along either side of the rock.

She trotted a ways to the right of the big boulder, then found a placen that was not straight down. In fact is was quite doable for the athletic pup; it was covered in bushes and moss, and the trek down closer to the valley, within a few feet of the deer was much easier than she thought it would be. She checked behind her to make sure Athena followed, then busted a grin at what she was going to do. Do what I do.. she whispered so quietly, she was sure Athena had barely heard the words.

Alastar's body tensed. The muscles in her body contracted and flexed, rippling under her fur. Her tail stuck out proudly, as did her chest, and with a deep breath, the pup barged forward, letting out a mighty howl. The deer thrust their heads upward in horror at the miniature beast heading their way. Alastar growled and aimed for a doe, hoping Athena was behind her.

I wish I was strong enough to lift not one, but both of us.


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