is it bright where you are?
[Sorry for shortness.]

He nodded once at the tawny quadruped who had invited herself to his fire, sparing her a sharp look. With the war and it's aftermath bloodying their piece of earth, he figured that his solitude would drag on for days yet. Everyone was too busy stitching things up. What she was doing this far out, he had no desire to speculate. His eye caught the details, and he surmised that her healing wounds had been dealt during the very same conflict that left Haku in such a mess. He also noticed her eyeing the badger.

"You like it cooked?" he asked, raising a brow and motioning fluidly at a second skewer stationed in the dirt. The rest of the badger was nearby, spread on a layer of dry leaves to keep the grit at bay. He hadn't left many of the choice organs, devouring them as soon as he'd split the beast open. Once decently sated, however, the optime thought he'd treat himself to a warming fire and some...finer cuisine. It wouldn't hurt to offer her what he would most likely be drying into jerky later, if he didn't eat it now. Grayson was not a covetous wolf.

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