A Canine Encounter


The circumstances of ones birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.

OOC Text:

Athena looked at the heard and watched them very, very closely. She heard Alastar’s words but she closed her eyes instead and concentrated. She could hear the snorts and the stomping of their feet as they grazed. She could hear the breeze rustling through the trees and felt the chill bumps along her back as the breeze cut through her not yet sleek puppy fur. She inhaled through her nose and let the smell of the forest and the dirt fill her lungs. She opened her eyes to tell Alastar how happy she was to be in the forest but to her surprise, the pup was not there. She narrowed her eyes and one of her ears swiveled back in confusion. Peeking over the rock she saw the pup making her way down the side of it and hurried up to follow her.

The brown pup’s lithe body made it easy for her to navigate the same path that Alastar had although some bits were a little difficult due to the fact that Athena just wasn’t as big as the other pup. Just as Alastar turn and spoke to her and she saw that grin, Athena knew what was on the pup’s mind and she grinned wolfishly at her fellow trouble-making companion.

With a giggle Athena crouched back, the muscles in her hind legs bunching up and tensing, and she leaped forward howling mid leap as she did so. Her howl wasn’t much but she had been working on it in the company of Nanuak who insisted it should sound more like a song than a noise, she was proud of the sound of her howl. Upon landing she sprang forward by her back feet and streamlined to catch up with her companion who was now heading for a single, confused and clearly frightened deer. Athena puffed out her fur to make herself look bigger and bared her puppy fangs at the beast just like her bear mother showed her.

Time stands still, beauty and all she is.


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