i once was born to be bad

indentShe'd had moments before, times when it felt like the whole world was up against her. Most of those times were the ones that made her feel like life wasn't worth living, she'd be better off not having to face it. Honestly, Laruku had given her one of those times, really, yet there she was being civil toward him, worried for him to some odd extent. Even now the raven woman still wasn't sure what to make of the whole situation. What to think of the things that he'd said to her that day. If there really was something inside of him, something him but not quite, then could she condemn him for it's actions?

indentSomething deep inside her understood, she'd merely been avoiding it though. She knew that it was possible, that he could very well have been telling the truth. Few things in the world were as crazy as they sounded. Phasma could recall demons, ones that had haunted her and chased her through the shadows during the weeks after Chael had attacked her. Those demons, she believed, were very much real. It was only herself that was keeping her from fully believing him about his own demon. There was a quiet sort of understanding in the onyx woman as she stood watching him, something that she hadn't yet been able to bring herself to speak of. Not even Tsunami knew about the demons.

indent"Are you certain you want to?" Her words came calm, laced with the fact that she wanted to understand. Of course, some might take offense to her asking, but perhaps he would not. It was fair question, really. Perhaps there was something about it that made him feel good, though it didn't seem likely, or some part of him that didn't want to let it go. She was at his side in only a few short steps, turning on her heels to put her back toward the wall and seat herself right beside him. A few tugs of cloth and the blanket was quickly removed from her shoulders, pulled out in front of her so that she could press her back against the wall without pinning it. She covered herself then, leaving slack on the side toward the hybrid Alpha, which she tossed across to cover whatever part of him it managed to hit.

indentShe wouldn't let him freeze and, if he didn't want to share it with her, the least she could do was let him have the whole thing to himself. She was warm enough, anyways.


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