In the arms of Safety.
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The male found her so funny, she was very upset, and it was not hard to tell. The male pulled her in closer into his body, and then kissed her head, and then placed his one and only hand on her shoulder as he stepped back, and then slipped his hand under her chin softly lifting it up looking into her, looking into her deep green eyes, he loved how they had a hint, just a hint of blue to them. ”You have taken a monster, and shaped him, made him care about someone else, you took a pack member that was in exile for over a month and turned him in to what I am now, you love the pack members and they love you back. You are the one single most caring being I have ever seen! You are very kind to everyone. Fayne I love you so much, and that much you can brag about, having the love of another…not everyone has that.” The male spoke softly as the hand slipped up to her cheek, curling his fingers under, he rubbed her cheek as soft as he could with his thumb.

Then once the name came out of her mouth, about the child that she was teaching was the missing child of Kiara. The monster side of the silver healer came out full force. ”WHAT?! THAT BITCH HAS KIARA’S SON?! “ The male snorted and huffed, as let go of his beloved, in fear that his anger would cause him to hurt her. He shook, from head to foot the silver monster shook with rage. Trying to be clam, the male looked at Fayne.”You…you need to tell…Kiara…and Zalen…I’m going to go kill her. She’s going to regret messing with messing with the both of you.” The monster snarled as he curled and uncurled his fist, he looked around, seeing nothing but natural items. He was seeing red from the blood that he wanted to flow and the rage he felt for

by: Lin[/html]

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