A Canine Encounter


The circumstances of ones birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.

OOC Text:

Athena grinned as she allowed her body to stretch out and run fast. She stretched out her front legs and her paws hit the ground firmly, her rump lifted in the air only centimeters above her shoulders as her hind legs started to make their way forward. With her hind paws just under her chest and her front paws just lifting off of the ground and there it was. It was in that split second that made Athena’s heart race. That moment when all four feet were off the ground that she felt like she was flying.

They got to the beach and Athena was panting, her heartbeat slowed and she grinned at Alastar. Ya I can get us to da river from here! Follow me?! Athena darted up the sands the direction that the pup and Nanuak were heading earlier that day. Athena heard the sound of Alastar’s heavy paws hitting the sand just behind her and she grinned. Soon they made it to the delta of the river and the brown pup turned and followed the river side. They went up a path that had obviously been taken many times before.

As Athena trotted up the path that was wide enough for the two to trot side by side, she spoke to her companion, glancing at her every once and a while. Yer my best friend now, right? My bear momma said dat one day I’d find a wolfy like me and dat we’d be best friends. She said dat we’d play together and have lotsa adventures .. Athena looked at Alastar for confirmation of her thoughts.

The path that Athena led them up slowly got away from the sandy beaches and got more into the deep forest. The underbrush was thicker and the sand under their feet soon turned to a dark rich soil. Water dependent trees and grasses soon replaced the hardier hardwoods that were found closer to the ocean that were more capable of withstanding the salty winds off of the ocean. The path started to wind with the river and there were times when they would go out of sight of the river to bypass a crop of rocks or a huge moss covered boulder. It was also evident that they were traveling upward. Athena had walked this path so many times she was sure she could walk it with her eyes closed. She also knew that Nanuak would be where they were going because her scent was so fresh on the path.

Time stands still, beauty and all she is.


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