Now the monster is awake

As Savina brushed past Pilot and raced up the stairs, Pilot took the time to shift to his Optime form. He slide the pack off over his back and let it fall to the floor with a dull thunk. He wanted to check and see if he had packed any pain killers. He kept this sack stalked in case of medical emergency, such as this, but he just wanted to be sure. There, it was inside. He picked up the bag, and quickly ran up the stairs, trailing to where Savina had entered through a door that remained ajar on its hinges.

The fact that this had happened to Naniko only made things worse. There was blood everywhere, and upon first glance he couldn’t tell how bad she was. He set his bag down beside the bed, before turning to look at Naniko. There was gash marks deep in her sides and he could tell she had been battered pretty good. It was painful just to look at her in that state. He dug into the bag and pulled out what he had used for Skoll when he needed stitching. Kava. It would knock Naniko out into a splendid slumber while Pilot cleaned up her wounds.

As he took out jars and supplies to be readied, he turned to Savina. "We need clean sheets! And can you get a bucket of water? We need to clean this place up a little bit. Naniko won’t be going anywhere for a while." His hand worked fast to prepare the Kava. He leaned over Naniko, sliding his hand behind her head to support her. "You’ll need to try and swallow this," he told Naniko, though he wasn’t sure if she was already out or not. He eased the liquid into her mouth and could only hope that she had the strength to swallow it.


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