The sight of civilization
OOC:Hmm, this will be interesting how the leader and founder of the pack will take this. My Rite of Agares might be a little, 'different', than Lance's, if everything goes smoothly.

Lukos tried his best to pull off a fake smile. "That's excellent enthusiasm, but make sure you don't share it with everyone. I can't say so for our gracious pack leader," he said indicating Naniko, "But not everyone is so pleasant. Be careful who you be friendly with."

"It's more of your job to inform him, isn't it? Sorry, completely understandable. I'm just a bystander with background information." he said, taking two steps back. Alaki already hates me, so I would be an idiot to anger the other wolf in charge. And she has the knife out. he noted. Something I probably should've put into consideration when I opened my mouth. Might as well tape it when the Angela/Angelo walks by. He gave a friendly but shy smile to the pair in front of him, hoping he hadn't offended the leader, however more lax she is than Alaki. Which probably isn't in comparison from personal experience. he thought grimly.

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