Mind Games
Ooc Feel free to stop him, I don't wanna finish this just yet, it's too fun! xD :: Word Count→ 521

For every one step Fayne took towards him, Alister took two steps back. She snarled and growled viciously, eyes locked on the hand that rested on the hilt of his longsword. His eyes became wide, and his heart quickened in his chest. Did she truly think him lowly enough to attack her? That stabbed at him worse than any blade. He’d never harmed an innocent, nor would he…ever. In fact, he always tried to help wherever he could. The wolves had mocked him for his compassion, saying he was too soft to be a warrior. And maybe he was, maybe he wasn’t, but one thing was for sure he was no needless killer.

He tread with care here, taking special precaution not to withdraw his hand too quickly. He didn’t want her to mistake it for an attack. Slowly his fingers loosed their grasp, one, by one he peeled them back. When nothing but his palm was next to the steel he withdrew it open-handed, reading her features as he did so. When, finally, his hand touched nothing but air he released the breath he’d been holding. “Is this better, my lady? I meant nothing by it, truly.” He looked her in the eye now, and his gaze was soft, genuine. Becoming more self-aware, he dropped his gaze quickly. He didn’t want her to think of it as a challenge, he just wanted her to see the sincerity in his eyes.

“Believe me, this is as close as I’m like to get, I’d prefer to be further away actually, but I’d rather not have to swim. Wet fur is so unbecoming.” He said when she spoke of New Dawn’s current plight. Her next words, however he met with incredulity. “Hostile? Perish the thought!” He scoffed, before adding more seriously. “I had no idea there was unrest in this region, you have to believe me.” His hazel eyes, rendered honey-hued by the daylight were pleading.

She proceeded to probe him, an act which he felt tiresome. He was as reluctant as ever to concede, and her words were met with sarcasm yet again. “Business? No, no business. I just thought I’d wander about aimlessly for a while.” In response to her snarls he backed a step, throwing his hands out in front of him. “My lady please, I mean no harm to you or your pack, I assure you. I was just…passing through.” His sarcasm was getting him no where quickly, but that didn’t stop him from using it. Maybe she’d tire of him, and leave him be? But for the time being that didn’t seem likely, either.

“Ugh, look.” He groaned. “I get it…I’m half a dog and entirely a bastard, I’m not welcome. Why don’t I save us both some time and trouble, and be off?” He was about to reach for his pack when he stopped himself, what if she took that as a threat too? Although, he wasn’t sure how gauze could be considered harmful in anyway, but seeing how the conversation was going, he may have need of it for its intended use sooner than he thought.

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