Lonely Road

17.07.12 . 1pm . amherst . optime form

Despite the dark cloud of Coli's recent attack, Saul was feeling rather optimistic. In just a few short days, his son would be seven months old and he would be able to shift. In many ways, Saul was sad to see his child growing up. He remembered so vividly it must be muscle memory, the feel of his tiny son in his hand, in his arm, cradled against his body. Soon enough, Teme wouldn't need him anymore and he would just be an old, worrywort dad. He was pleased for his boy though- he could finally start making his own way, choose his own path and learn.

Despite having first claimed parts of Amherst, they'd brought their borders back so that the city was once again completely neutral. They'd decided that they didn't quite need the buildings and they would rather have the beach instead. Still, the young Virding couldn't help but take trips out there- not only to make sure that that dog wasn't out there, as well as the dark wolf who had attacked Lilin. He supposed it was the same with all new packs, testing their strength, trying for weaknesses.

He didn't have anything particular in mind as he moved through the streets. He'd managed to convince his bird to accompany him- Saul felt as though he never spent enough time with the Gyrfalcon. It was his own avian companion who alerted him to the presence of another and Saul was alert, green eyes flickering back and forth to try and spot whatever it was that Eirias had alerted him to. It took him only a few short moments to spot another Luperci, scarcely clad and leant against a building. He moved towards the wolf, making sure to create sounds to precede his approach.

"Good afternoon sir" He called out, his tone polite and interested.

word count → 308;; image © Fir0002/Flagstaffotos;; table by lin
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