Lonely Road
Torok knew perfectly well that he more than likely appeared helpless, leaning on his staff and using it the way an older Luperci would. In truth, it was just habit. The staff was given to him by his father when he broke his leg. It was the only thing his father had given him before he die, making it one of the few items he felt the need to have. He listened as the male spoke, introducing himself as Saul. Mentally, he stored the name and matched it with the scent so he would recognize Saul if he ever ran into him again. I’m well, thank you. It is a pleasure to meet you Saul, I’m Torok Haima. He bowed his head respectfully to the male as he continued speaking. Apparently the falcon, Eirias, enjoyed eating pups and cats. To Torok, this seemed odd, but he hadn’t been around a bird that ate anything besides rodents and fish. He nodded, understanding that there was other predatory birds that liked larger prey.

Asked if he had business in the town apparently called Amherst, Torok shook his head. No, Fraya and I are just traveling around. We don’t exactly have a destination. And yourself? He noticed Saul’s coat carried more than just his own scent, but many other wolves along with a strong female scent, obviously a mate. May I ask about your pack? You carry a strong presence with you, might you be the Alpha? The last time Torok had been near an Alpha, his love was killed, making him a little cautious of the man before him now.

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