Flames of the Spirits
She was almost content despite her pain filled days and her sleepless nights. She watched the pride of her life, the two black and white children as they scuffled about in the dirt play fighting together like she had never gotten to do. Gemma sighed wistfully and wished again like so many times before that her sisters had loved her, had played with her. Little Ann had been the only one to take notice of her in a friendly way, Pippa and Felicity had been quick to emulate their horrid mother's cruel demeanor. Gemma was a sorry sight to see, covered in all sorts of bandages courtesy of her brother, her destroyed ear was bound to her head with a white gauze that also hung low and covered her left eye, obscuring her vision on that side.

The fight escalated with tiny snarls being thrown around and Gemma put her foot down, her voice stern but loving,

"Now! That is enough you two." Their mother very rarely used her stern voice upon them so the two of them stopped almost at once and looked at her curiously. Then Nate-River bounced forwards, half formed words spewing from his over excitable mouth, "'Tory! 'Tory Ma!" Now Payne came forwards too, her sapphire eyes shining brightly although she didn't speak. The Great Fire crackled behind them and Gemma smiled as she began the first strands of her tale in a hushed voice but she had barely gotten the first few words out when a young female voice spoke out.

She was presented with the only other pup in AniWaya, several months older than her own children Gemma believed she was related to that older member of the Great Tribe who's name she couldn't remember. The orange girl had blue flowers with her that Gemma gasped appreciatively at,

[html]Ulihelisdi! Wado! Gadodetsa do? Ale ayv dagovgi Gemma Sawtooth. She was getting better at speaking AniWayan.[/html]

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