I want a lover I dont have to love
The pale woman jerked out of her boook induced reverie. That call was so close, so familiar. She set aside the book, lookingt concerned. Out of habit, she grabbed her pack. She'd just recently restocked her supply of herbs and her healing salve. She moved quickly, the call from haku had sounded close and injured.

And then there he was. Injured and looking exhausted. She ran the rest of the way, landing heavilly at his side. The wounds were srious, more so than before. Her eyes took them in quickly, assessing the worst damage. She would stop the worst of te bleding here, and then move the male to her house. That was the best plan of action.

"Who did this?" The woman demanded. Already her hands were rummaging through he pack, pulling out bandages and applying pressure to the worst of the wounds, the ones still bleeding. Her bi-colored eyes were focused sharply on his face.

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