on the sidelines

fade to black? Smile

Word Count → 301

He held his breath, waiting for Alder's patient reply. He was anxious, wondering if he would be told to come back later when he was older. Or, that his initial doubts were correct, and it would not suit him to work here with the horses. He should stay with his books, reading about everything he would never do in life. Pale blue eyes gazed out at the scenery rushing past them, the rhythm of the trot a natural rise and fall now. Would this be his last time on horseback?

Alder spoke then, and Hati sat bolt upright, sudden joy overcoming the polite mask he wore around adults. "Merci beaucoup, thank you so much!" He was going to ride horses, and train them, and take care of them for everyone in the kingdom. He quickly reined in his enthusiasm to a more controlled level, but the smile remained, hopeful and bright with anticipation. He had been given a chance to prove himself, and he had to live up to Alder's high expectations. He couldn't give up on this. It was too important.

"I... I'll be there," he added in a calmer tone, trying to sound more mature. Of course he took this seriously -- this could be his future co-rank, the way he served his birthplace and repaid his family for investing in him. But only if he was successful, which was still to be seen. How would he ever sleep tonight, knowing what he had accomplished today and what awaited him tomorrow? The youth gripped Hawthorn's mane tightly, trying to focus his scattered thoughts. He was still enjoying his first ride, and he did not want to waste the time they had left together. However things turned out, Hati would always be grateful that Alder took a chance on him.

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Table by Cait!

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