[M] Let's Watch the flowers Bloom
This female was far from shy, and with her bold smile and simple step forward Aro was unable to see any reason to back off. She wanted him, and even if he didn't know her all that well, other than her name...and that she was a casa member he was willing. There was no doubt in his mind that she would be upset if he were to make a move; she wanted it. Her words only influenced him as he took a large step forward closing the gap, his hands findings her hips. His charming grin spreading over his features as he brought her hips to him, a feral growl rumbled his throat as he began to speak,"I am not sure...but the more I am in your company, the more your sweet perfume makes me want to do things I normally don't do with older woman...let alone strangers.."

He hoped she wouldn't take offense, and he managed to bury his muzzle into the side of her neck before finding out, drawing in a large lung full of both her original scent and that sweet aroma that seeped off her body. It was like a drug, twisting his thoughts. He could feel a part of his body rising and he pressed it harder to her as a message that he had unpure intentions. Surely, that was where she was going with all this...if not oh well, she would have to scream no to tear him from her now. Ue was going to have her whether he truly wanted it or not.

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