Pass the Time
:: 435

Heiro nodded enthusiastically in response to his father’s promising of teaching him something new once he was better. The pup could only jump to conclusions as to what the lessons would be about. So far, the black and white babe enjoyed all things animals, sailing, chasing ducks, hunting (though Niro didn’t know this), and riding horses. Surely Niro could show him something he had never seen or experienced before. Hei immediately thought of falconing as it wasn’t a secret how well his father commanded and mastered birds. Could the little Prince become just as good? The ball of energy wiggled back and forth as his curled tail cut through the air happily. He would try his best to excel at anything Niro put before him. He only hoped to make his father proud and become an impressive adult just like him.

Ay’ve spen tayme wit famlee mosly...but I meet Sil-van-oh en Tare-rah, he explained, tail still wildly whipping back and forth. Not menny ittle ones tho, he said in a more somber voice, head gently shaking side to side in the physical language of “no”. His heart sped up when Niro obliged to his sneaky request of head rubs and his tongue lolled out to the side as he enjoyed his father’s touch. An an da birdies...yes de love Hei...I did good Da...for ya, he said solemnly as his tail slowed down it’s chaotic path through the air, but not for long! Niro’s hands became scary pinching machines on their way to Heiro’s body, and the pup immediately broke out into laughter, rolling onto his back and pawing at the air. Hei’s laughter subsided and he fiercely closed his eyes shut in attempt to “disappear”. His thought process was if he couldn’t see them, they they couldn’t see him right?

A few seconds passed when he puppy’s ice blue eyes flashed open with an interesting memory. Me en Tosh find crabbies on the beach! He squealed, excitement back at its highest peak. He jumped off the bed and tried to mimic the shuffling side to side travels the crabs had done for his father. In Heiro’s mind, nothing was new to his all-knowing father Niro, and this made the young one adore him all the more. The wiggle worm slowly walked back to the bed and placed his chin on the blankets, softly nosing his father’s side once more. Don tell n-e-one, but I was scurred wit you gon’ Da, kids say the darndest things.

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