Making up

Meow:: WC:: 478

Being next to him, with her hand is his, made her feel as if she were flying. Each step as light and airy as the last as if they two were walking on clouds. The feel of his paw pads, his forearm against hers, and the smell of him consumed her thoughts and made her feel drunk with desire and love. They could walk off a cliff right at this moment and she wouldn’t scream, no...everything she saw and felt was Jiva. He possessed her more than he probably even knew as her heart provided the beat of their love song within her head. She loved this man more than anything and would do anything in her power to stay by his side until the end of their days.

In her honeymoon haze she heard herself laughing at Jiva’s description of a cow, but time had slowed down for her while she smiled up at him through rose colored eyes. This lust and desire the young woman was experiencing wasn’t heat, this was something else. A part of her brain thought how odd these cows sounded and decided she must see one some day, but the majority of her brain kept thinking back to his hand in hers and the warmth their bodies generated between themselves as they walked along. His playful nudge brought her out of her lovestruck stupor and she returned his grin with her own. Nipping playfully at his shoulder and giving his arm a good head rub.

The woman began to nod her head in agreement. Sleeping in a bed had been very awkward for her as she preferred the den or even better, the open sky to be above her, but her heart sped up as her mate moved forward and his muzzle tickled her ear. Her own brows rose as a wicked smile replaced her grin. She squeezed his hand and pulled him towards her so she could kiss him once more. She knew she’d never be able to get enough of them, but this time she kissed him deeply and passionately pulling away to whisper against his lips. I agree. Her eyes crinkled at the corners with the coy playfulness of a vixen. She wanted him terribly, but she’d wait...Drin knew how to wait.

The fae pulled away to resume their walk towards a destination she was unsure of, but when asked about what she had learned, the blonde lady stopped and adopted a mock defensive stance in her optime form. I’ve learned quite a lot of hand to hand combat as well as my other forms. Care to spar? Or should we save that for a rainy day? She asked playfully, though she secretly just wanted to use her skills to pin him to the ground.

Table Credit to Becca! <3.

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