[m] the last friend to be destroyed

Aw, poor Tobi! ;n;

Word Count → 520

Perhaps it was for the best...

The potential crew didn't much pay attention to him anyway, and the frustration it brought Tobias both worried and irritated the jackal-hybrid male. They had lost almost everything in the ship wreck that had massacred the entire crew, save for Percival Teach and his captain... And what was left was soon taken from the scavengers, leaving them with nothing but each other.

Percival and Tobias, two lone pirates, each their only companion, damaged and with lost hope.

His slate grey eyes peered over to the other, watching the dark wolf's movements, before turning away as Tobias freed his captain's jacket from his possession. Seeing the garment tossed aside, given to the dark and mysterious waves of the crashing sea below, caused Percival's heart to sink like a vessel who could no longer hold her own.

Taking in a deep breath of the salty sea air, the jackal-dog gripped his wrist, fingers caressing the leather band that was tight around it. He held it close to his chest as his touch met the engraved letters. Sybille... I'm so sorry... He muttered, his voice typically monotonous, but clear. His grip grew tighter as the lighter male stared into the sea, breath shakey and large ears laid back.

A sudden snarl broke him from his trance.

Cap'n! He was gone. The larger male, once there and standing still, had disappeared.

She was swept away, the water pulling her further and further from him. He tried to run, he couldn't catch up. As long as he had her in his sights, though, he had hope. He was not a man of faith, but if he could just grasp hold of something...

Percival's gaze switched quickly to the cold waters below.

He caught Tobias struggling in the sea, fighting against the pulling currents despite his injuries.

She disappeared. He ran faster. His sister finally resurfaced... And he fell to his knees.

Before he could think of what to do, the jackal-hybrid had stripped himself of weighted items, and dove into the water.

He came to the surface quickly, gasping in the freezing water as it caused his muscles to ache. Tobi! Cap'n, hold on! He yelped, a wave crashing over and interrupting his calls. Percival came up once more, trying with his might, despite the stinging of the icey sea, to be near his friend as he'd promised to always be.

The damage was devastating. Soaked and sore, Percival pulled himself onto the rock his captain lay, battered and broken, crimson blood trickling over the stone and dripping into the saltwater, instantly diluted, as if it were nothing at all.

Cap'n... Cap'n, please, say somethin'! He pleaded. His breath hiccuped, and tears blurred his vision as he forced himself from the edge, now pressed against his wounded comrade. Don't... Ah can help ya, Cap'n, ah... Jus' need... Percival shook his head. The jackal was known, by those who cared, to show little to no emotion...

He was choking on his tears.

Tobi... Please don't leave me... Percival begged, only wishing it was that easy of a promise to make.

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