[M] Let's Watch the flowers Bloom

Out of character

Word Count → 000

He smiled at her protest in age. He knew she wasn't old, hell he wouldn't have even been willing to push close or even allow himself to think like he was if she was old. Yes, the smell would have turned him on, but he wouldn't even allow himself to come this close to her if she was old. Adriana was just an older female, he meant nothing negative by his comment, but obviously she took offense, and it made him chuckle a little.

She pushed closer and nipped his ear, his hand found her sides and ran up them, one hand traveling back downward, his voice deep and low in tone, "...then I take it you don't mind what is about to happen..." His body pushed into hers as his one hand found her rear, pushing it into him as he pushed into her. He was aiming to put her back onto the ground, his one hand serving to make sure she didn't fall, and just went down gently, the other serving to make her go off balance.

If everything went as he wished, he would then plant a firm feverish kiss onto her lips, his tongue intruding into her mouth finding hers, as he began to kiss her with a lustful need. His body wasting no time as his hips moved allowing his length to find her and unite them both. He had no feelings for her, he knew that. It wasn't the first time he'd done this act with someone he only knew casually, both understanding it was for a need they both wanted to fill. She obviously was wanting him, and wanting this. Her scent making Aro more than willing to fulfill her need.

She felt good and as he kissed her, his growl rumbled, his hand running along the back of her shoulders and then fingers curled around the top to force himself deeper into her. His mind fogged and swimming with the feral need to fill her and send his seed deep within. He didn't at all ones think of the consequences, all that he thought about was pleasure and the feral need to give her what he had.

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