can't find words
The first thing that came to mind was a book that she had read some time ago. Some sort of plague that had taken over and killed many humans. From what Laurel said though, it didn't really sound like the same thing, and Rachias breathed a sigh of relief. "Doesn't sound like they'll be going anywhere, then." Concern in her voice, Rachi furrowed her brows some. She would have taken him away, off somewhere so that she could tend to him and keep the burden off of them. With the state they were in, at least the way it sounded, she wouldn't want to risk moving him at all. "If you wouldn't mind terribly much, I'd like to hang around and take care of him." It was a lot to ask, she knew, but it was also her father they were talking about. "I can hunt for us and bring fresh water, even for everyone else, just to help out."

She was quiet for a time as they walked, finally lifting her head to glance at her strange companion when he spoke up once more. "Yeah. I was living over there with the rest of my family, Inferni, when the fire started. I tried to go back to find my brother but my oldest brother, Gabriel, he wouldn't let me go." She looked away then, hiding the hurt in her voice. "No clue how it started, or I haven't heard, at least. It spread fast though." Far to fast for her liking.


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