Starlight in the mid of day

If Anu had known any better she would remember that her past home had been beyond the mountains she spoke of. But to the small fey, the world was all turned around, and she could not even recall traveling over them. She hoped that there had been few losses in the great fire but deep in her gut she knew that it was a false hope.

“Of course they will remember. Then, everyone will wonder how they could forget such a thing.” She smiled, hoping to easy any worry from the lady’s shoulders. She and Anu had certainly remembered that they were all more then just comrades, but linked in a relation that second only to blood. Their common goal had brought them to the same place, and it was the love they all wanted to give and shared that would keep them here.

Now that she fulfilled her need to comfort Iskata, Anu moved to change the mood that had settled between them. “I think that I would be a good Pup-sitter. I feel as if I have done that often in the past.” She smiled, wishing that for once she would be the one in need of such help. But those were thoughts for another time, most likely one of self-reflection.

“Despite my size, I can hunt pretty well.” She boasted a bit her chest raising a fraction of an inch. “I think I’m best at the coordination, being the lead and getting the most out of my speed.” She could hang onto a moose’s nose for hour, well almost, but the moose could also run with her dangling for the same amount of time.


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