A Canine Encounter


The circumstances of ones birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.

OOC Text:

Athena laughed at her new friend’s fishing mishaps and bounced down the rock just as Alastar sat down on the shore. The brown pup bounced over to her black and white friend and gave her a lick on the cheek. Ima get chu a fishy. With that the brown wolf trotted out into the pool of water and planted her paws apart in the floor of the river. She breathed slowly and watched as the water soon stopped rippling around her legs. She watched the fish that swum around her and tried to figure out the biggest one she could get her tiny jaws around. She stood there for a few minutes, she was a good fisher but she was still inexperienced at it. She watched until she saw a plump fish swim lazily around her paws. She judged the distance it would take for the fish to swim and for her to dunk her muzzle under water to clamp her jaws around its middle. Then it went to swim just under her muzzle and she took a breath and dove. She came with empty jaws but this did not deter her, she just planted her paws again and waited. It was another few moments before the fish started to swim around her again.

That’s when she saw it. A fish with a tear in its skin. She knew this was not the fish she had gone after because she didn’t feel her teeth graze its flesh. Athena grinned. She could get the fish that Alastar had gone after just like her bear mother had done for her. The brown pup waited for this fish to get closer and when it swam under her nose she took a deep breath and caught the fish in her jaws. It wasn’t a fighter and only wriggled a few desperate times before going limp in her jaws. Athena trotted back to the black and white wolf with her prize and gift. Laying it down at Alastar’s paws she flipped it over and nudged the fish closer. Got yer fishy, for ya. Athena beamed proudly at her catch and gift for her friend. Taking a few steps back and sitting on her haunches she continued to grin.

Time stands still, beauty and all she is.


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