[AW] Before I win the race.

sorry for the wait. Been at good ole cheerleading ;3

She shook her head and dismissed him by saying she was just now learning only some canines could speak bird. He was amazed; she had no idea the differences between chirps and barks! Toby flashed her a gentle smile. Females were his soft spot and troubled females made their way into an area of mystery in the conflicted brain of his. "Don't worry about it. Besides I think it is kind of awesome, even if it's a tad strange." Humor flooded his black eyes as he mentioned the last bit. He knew he wasn't very funny but he would attempt to joke around anyways.

The conversation continued, Toby listening to her responding to him. Soon she came to believe the black German shepherd was speaking of some Zalen fellow. The titles failed to ring any bells. "Actually, Palaydrian, I believe it was another name..." He paused and continued to attempt to recall the name of his one time aquaintence. Then it came to him. "Shadowfang!" he busted out, easily stirring unsuspecting animals about him. "Shadowfang and Insomnia. Brilliant wolves I ran into. Shadow handed over a bit of advice during a time of conflict." Satisfied with the good use of memory, he moved on to what actually occurred with the huge black wolf.

It'd been a bad time of many questions and Shadowfang had gladly ignored his problems in exchange for some fine advice. Even though only one conversation had happened between the two black males full trust had been exchanged. Toby, when reflecting on Shadowfang, always believed he had a great friend in the near by wolf pack. He looked up at the pale female before him. "I should stop by to see him sometime. How is he anyways?"

I will not fall, I will not fade.
I will take your breath away!
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Toby Table by Raze.

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