
By the time he realized his mistake, Amy had already moved in to top the female. Kohaku shrank a little, upset that he had done something as stupid as releasing the lesser wolf. He had just expected her to lie there, but Amy's actions proved that he was wrong. At least Amy didn't yell at him for the mistake. Bluish-green eyes looked at Amy apologetically and he climbed back onto the lesser wolf. As he topped her, he could feel the tension in her muscles and he could smell her fear. Amy relished it, but Kohaku was starting to feel a little sick. He saw Amy enjoy hurting the other wolf, but he couldn't help feel bad. To hurt her and make a mark like his, it was hard.

Time seemed to slow down as Kohaku looked at the grey female. He remembered the pain in his shoulder when Amy had branded him. He remember his mommy's long scar and circle. How had she gotten those? Did they hurt as much as his? Kohaku could see the eye pattern and wondered the same thing about the lesser wolf. Suddenly, the pup didn't want to be there any more. He didn't want to hurt her. He liked being on top of her, but hurting her... that was something Amy was better at doing.

Briefly, the little male looked back to Amy. He drew his cues from her. She would lead him, tell him what to do. She had become his role model and he needed her guidance. Kohaku took her strength and drew up. He didn't know how to slash with his teeth, but he knew how to slash with his claws. It was the same as making lines in the dirt... right? Kohaku pushed a little with one paw, and dragged it across the other's side. Kohaku looked at what he had done, but really only succeeded in pushing her fur down a little. Frustrated, the boy tried again and again; each time pushing hard and faster than before. It took him a total of five tries to make any sort of dent in her fur, and even then there was only a small trickle of blood.

The scent of iron was renewed and Kohaku looked up happily at Amy. His tail wagged high and he happily exclaimed, "Look! I made one!"

Word Count → 000

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