can't find words
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Well, at some point at least, she had been with Inferni. Or still was, for that matter, he couldn't really say because he had never been to the place. Which to him was an interesting thing, but not all that surprisingly in the long run. It was as he had been told, the place where coyotes were supposed to belong. “I don't mind if you stay and I don't think anyone else would either,” he said as they neared the camp. He chose to stay quiet about the fire and Inferni, knowing it wasn't his place to pry into her past. The past didn't matter much anyway behind their walls.

“This area up here is our campsite and the shack where we've got everyone is over here. We've got a lake a little bit to the north that you can use to get water from if you want or to wash up and I think there's a couple of little streams not too far off to the west either.” Gesturing to the appropriate places, he then led her over to the shack but stopped just a little bit short of opening the door to let her in. “I know I shouldn't have to tell you this, but you know if you go in there you're liable to catch it, right?”


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