Toes In the Water, A$$ In the Sand
OOC: No table yet. :c Leichi, meet the spoiled rotten pup. Big Grin

Well this certainly what she had hoped. This place was very strange. Most of it was forest and she dare not tread into any of the pack lands for fear of them fighting her off. She was young, but she knew the general guidelines for surviving if you were a loner. She'd been on her own for only a few months now and was growing tired of finding her own food and sleeping on the ground. It didn't suite a princess to sleep in the dirt. Revena huffed as she trudged through the forest not quite sure where she was going. She knew she should probably stop for the night soon but was much too stubborn to admit defeat to her sore and tender feet.

I hate the forest....stupid forest. She scoffed as she continued walking. She really didn't have anything in her possession except for the clothes on her back, which wasn't much. She wore a pair of short shorts and a simple blouse. Her hands were both in bracers which she really didn't know how to use, she simply liked the way they looked and they matched her red hair. The coy-dog had a small simple leather bag with few belongings in it. Most just some other clothes and some jewelry her mother and pack mates gave her, mostly out of fear for the young woman. She also had a small dagger which her father gave her too keep her safe, but she didn't even know how to use it.

Revena continued to mutter displeasures to herself as she used the trees to hold herself up. She was in a sour mood and really just wanted to fall asleep. But, the forest just didn't suite her. Generally she found an old building to fall asleep in but there were none in sight and hadn't been for miles. Another's scent reached her nose and her muzzle wrinkled in a small snarl. She didn't like the fact that there were strangers out and about and she had no means to protect herself. But, maybe they could help figure out where she should go next. Part of her thought that maybe she shouldn't have left her pack, but they didn't suite her and she deserved better. Revena soon broke out onto the beach and the cool night breeze met her skin, ruffling her soft fur. A hand came up to brush the hair from her face and hold her bangs back as her toes pressed into the soft sand. The beach is even worse than the forest. I hate sand. Another discontented huff escaped her as hazel eyes searched the surroundings for the scent she'd picked up.

There he was. Black as midnight itself laying on the beach as if the sand was a blanket. Revena voiced her disapproval of the beach by means of a growl and started to walk towards him. When she reached him she looked down at him, brow furrowed and head held high. Tell me where I can get away from all this forest and sand. Ugh, I can't stand this place. She demanded, not caring whether he was sleeping or not. Her priorities came before anyone else's. The young girl gave him a nudge in the side with her foot beckoning him to wake up and answer her question. Hello?! I asked something of you.

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