why don't you dance with me?
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... rel/t3.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

He was losing it, Laurel could see it. He was losing his grip on reality just as fast as the words fell out of his mouth. If he was going to be beat by a stick, he'd take it. But it didn't seem like he'd get the chance when Ahren screamed at a tree, swung and went off-kilter with the world; the ground seemed a little too happy to say hello too. But Laurel didn't waste a second to move in and restrain him. Grabbing at the belt he had, he deftly unbuckled it and pulled it free, turning the stunning blonde quick enough to tie his arms behind him. Kind of like catching a calf and tying it down, only if this calf got loose, Laurel knew it just wouldn't run away.


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