woke up to a brand new skyline
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... rel/t3.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

“I was thinkin’ fish, but I didn't bring the pole out,” he mentioned, scratching his face passively with his free hand. “But we might have something laying around the camp that we could eat. I'm pretty sure someone was cooking something the other night that smelled pretty good.” Provided there was anything left of whatever it was, of course. But either way it would give him a chance to slip into his usual attire. “There's always the apples and mulberries if you're up for that, though.” Even if mulberries were too small to be overly filling, the apples might have worked. They were bigger, anyhow. Though he could have just gone and got the rod too, for that matter. It didn't matter to him, even though he did want to try and treat her to breakfast because he thought it would as least make her feel a little bit better.


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