In the Footsteps of Silent Shadows

Do I get to count the posts from this thread for the Dahlia de Mai Game? Or should I wait until I'm actually part of the pack? ^=^

Haku seemed to be in thought, if only for a moment. Cwmfen waited patiently. She was not troubled by silence, not did she ever feel the need to fill the empty space it created. Cwmfen was a wolf of few words. The fae liked to listen more than she liked to speak, and she was patient in the waiting. Quiet and relatively modest, she had the sublime soul of an ancient warrior. Yet, she was not without aggression. More often than not in times of late, she had exercised her aggression frequently; perhaps it was her outlet for the frustration she had felt after the incident, or perhaps she had learned that kindness simply didn’t cut it.

Black, banded auds flickered forward as the male spoke again. A light smile fluttered across her maw, a small, short laugh escaping her maw. It seemed that the male was not fond of whelps either. She didn’t really know why she was laughing because it wasn’t that amusing at all; perhaps it was relief, but she didn’t feel that there was anything to be relieved about. As she re-composed herself, she relinquished an, “I’m glad.”

She was relieved, however, that he dismissed her apology, that he did not take offense for her inability to endure. And then Haku was speaking again, and she was listening again. Her submissive posture relaxed visibly, but it was not completely diminished. Whether he permitted her to enter the boarders or not, she was still his inferior. She would always be. Of course, this fact did not bother her, but she put in the effort to properly posture the way pack wolves posture. Cwmfen nic Graine suddenly felt out of place, but she quickly dismissed it. Such feelings would hopefully disintegrate as she integrated herself.

Dahlia de Mai. Earth-toned Haku seemed displeased by the name. She herself was not altogether bothered by it. She nodded slightly as he continued.

Conflict. Coyotes. She wondered to herself, then, how she felt about such events. After all, she had come to seek protection from the conflict of her past. The woad-marked fae, however, found that she was not bothered at all. Her past was riddled only with the shadows of one male, and it was not only the male which she feared, but the strange things that lurked in the dark waters of her soul. But she loved to spar, fight, whatever coyotes would bring. (She hadn’t had much contact with coyotes, but she knew what they smelled like.) But she made her decision.


“I would be thankful should you accept me. Such conflict is not what troubles me...” A light smile danced about her words if not her maw as the bright, white eyes sought out the blue ones. It seemed that she found something dark there, darker than what he was openly displaying before her...

She hesitated at the boarders. Did this mean she was permitted to cross? The black fae considered Haku with questioning eyes. A black tail flickered with uncertainty, and a question, seemingly pointless and random, but with hidden importance, slipped from her strong jaws:

“Do you like the Night?”


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