Fool me once shame on you

Skye cocked her head as Eclipse suddenly gave her a large grin, springing to her feet as though she was not injured at all. What was the Artist thinking now...? She was caught off guard as her pack member held out her bow and arrow to the Alpha female, the large grin still stuck on her face, her ears now pulling back slightly, almost giving off the appearance of a puppy.

She listened as Eclipse gave her her proposition, and she cocked her head, scratching behind her ear. She lightly touched the dagger, which was still tied to her leather brown belt as always; she could fight with it, she could fight well. However, if for whatever reason she found herself without it, and only had another weapon such as this to her disposal.. what could be the harm in learning something new, even though she was likely to never use it?

"Why not," she said, taking the bow and quiver that Eclipse had held out to her. "I have shot a bow and arrow once or twice before, but I'm not good at it by any means," she warned the younger wolf before slinging the quiver behind her back and waiting for the girl's instruction.

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