The more the merrier

Charm Sawtooth,
Word Count :: 000

It might be a mistake
A mistake I'm makin'

But what you're giving I'm happy to be taking.

Charm was fine with having just the Pride child around, she knew that she would not pester and inquire about things that the Sawtooth lady would rather forget about, and not have to relive any detail of what got her into that mess. The female knew that with Aeron she would want to know every single detail, and in the end it would be a verbal fight between the two female lovers. ”Pride you’re being too modest.” Charm chuckled softly as the child introduced her to the male in front of the two of them. While she explained away how the ranks and where everyone laid within the system.

Seeing her beloved coyote the female threw on a very nervous smile as she cringed pulling her now branded shoulder away from the hot headed lover that she cherish more than life it-self, she would do anything to make sure that her lover was happy with her, and it didn’t matter the cost of that happiness that she wanted with the golden furred lady. ”Lance, what things interest you? Maybe I could use you in the barn and with the animals…that is if that is something you’re interested in.” The Sawtooth offered up as humbly as she could, pulling her body away from the coyote female, she offer her a hand to hold. ”But a striking good looking male like your-self would probably rather look into something other than animals. I could see you in the Dasa rank, as handsome as you are…and well built…you would do the pack well. Not saying I would love the extra help in Anzu rank.” Charm batted her long eye lashes over her pale lilac eyes.


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