M - Toddlers, Brats, and Dad

Helotes Lykoi

Word Count → 213 :: Helotes knows Equine low speech just fyi XD

His wandering mind almost brought him into sleep when a familiar scent reached his nose. He slitted his umber eyes to peer out as Emmanuelle came near him and said his name, followed closely by a curious mare that Helotes had not seen before. The dark Lykoi become immediately interested, and his eyes opened fully and ears became erect. The horse sniffed at him and he back at it, and then softly and quietly he said in its language "A long way you’ve come." and he wondered if it would understand his accented mutterings.

Then, turning to the healer, Emma, it is good to see you. You look well. He noted that she was full with child, and wondered what male had been so lucky as to steal the beautiful woman’s bedside. Still, despite her womanly state, she seemed somewhat sad, and Helotes motioned for her to sit beside him.

He smiled gently at her, You see my children out there? He looked over to make sure the two of them were still in sight, The small one is Basilio, my son, and the smoldering one is my daughter, Azucena. He quieted, suddenly over taken by the love I felt for them, I am happy you will soon feel the joy I feel.

table code from The Mentors!

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