The more the merrier

Word Count :: 383 Lance dear when you make posts try to add more what he sees sense smells. it just gives others more to work with.

Aeron had noticed Charm pulling away from her. She was not pleased but showed nothing outwardly after all something personal had no reason to be brought up now. All she wanted to do was hold the love of her life but maybe Wraith had been right maybe the wolves here didn't care. Maybe she had done the wrong thing and should have stayed within Anathema away from wolves. Golden eyes turned to her daughter as she smiled.

Aeron laughed a but as she listen to the Zepar he would learn soon enough that not all the members of Anathema were sunshine and roses even to one another. "Well She is my little Pride and joy." Pride smiled as she looked up at her mother. The child was odd but even though she spoke at times out of line she still managed to stay out of trouble.

Aeron Glanced at Charm and gave her a soft smile turning to Lance again. she ignored charms hand as a way to show the calico that she was not pleased. She did not like being pulled away from or ignored. Aeron would deal with this in time and tried to force herself to not storm off. We could use more iblis I could mentor you I was there once. Though there are a vast amounts of ranks. Pride smiled as she looked at Lance, Theres a lot here to do Though watch out some are not so nice. the young girl warned the male.

She lowered her voice as she looked at him. Like my mother, She may seem nice now but she is not beyond punishing someone. she said a smiled flicked her maw as she skipped closer to him. She was has spies everywhere. Being in the diplomat teir means training animals to work with you. Her voice a little lower now. that crow there is shou he's her eyes in the sky, thisle is the beast of a white cat on the porch and the calico at her feet is zenna She glanced at her mother smiling.

Aeron crossed her arms as she glanced at her young daughter. do not scare him off Pride Adwen Tormenta I can lock you away and throw away the keys. Aeron said a stearn look upon her face.

table by Marie

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