Bad moon risin’
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It reality, the only thing that the massive wolf desired was the safety and well-being of his family and his pack. If that was Gabriel’s primary means of motivation as well, then why did they have to clash? If they just lived and let live, then the wellbeing of the pack and the clan wouldn’t be mutually exclusive. Far from it, it was better for everyone if they learned to get along, or at least tolerate each other. Perhaps it had been imprudent to offer Skoll a home in Storm again, but all Phoenix had been trying to do was help someone he still considered a part of his pack, even if the ties were no longer official.

The news of children in Inferni surprised Phoenix somewhat. So, Kaena had found some other stupid male to play her games, eh? The thought that that could have been him in that position made him shudder, even today. The female had tried to seduce him, once, and he’d ended up running away. Perhaps it hadn’t been the most mature thing to do but he would rather have had his eyes ripped out of his skull than have anything to do with a murdering sociopath like her. Still, it was good news, since young children tended to weigh a pack or clan down. Perhaps he didn’t have so much to worry about for the time being… and when that time of grace would be over, his own children would have grown into strong adults themselves capable of defending the pack.

“Thanks,” Phoenix finally said. “You gave me some things t’think about, lot of it not as bad as I thought.” Laruku’s presence here in Clouded Tears was highly advantageous to him. Though he couldn’t expect his cousin-in-law to help him in any hour of need, he knew he wouldn’t be betrayed by him either. And at least he could draw from whatever experience Laruku had—scant aid was better than none. Phoenix realized he was grasping at straws but for the moment, it was all he had. He’d worked with a lot less in the past.

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