M - Toddlers, Brats, and Dad

Helotes Lykoi

Word Count → 246 :: Out of Character text

Helotes smiled at Emma’s compliments, but the change in her voice was unmistakable, and the Lykoi male turned to look at the blonde woman with concern. He could see the pain in her eyes as she looked down and said that Angel would not want any part in the lives of his children. Helotes both enraged and filled with sorrow at this. How could Angel not have concern for the welfare of his own lineage, whether begotten by mistake or not? It showed what kind of man the Hastati was, in Helotes mind.

Slowly, and carefully, Helotes reached out to drape a muscular arm about the female’s shoulders in a gesture of compassion and comfort; he could only imagine what she was going through, and yet at the same time, he understood completely. He was alone now that Zana was gone, but he had had her at the beginning. Emma it seemed had been alone since the get-go; what a sad and unfortunate start for her pups.

Helotes though looked at her with a smile, even though she was so sad, she was still beautiful and glowing in her pregnant state; he could not help but be enamored with her, It is alright Emmanuelle, the clan will take care of you… and… I know we are not very close but… I would like to be, and I will offer any help I can to you. His eyes were soft and glittering at he looked at her.

table code from The Mentors!

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