Clover and Dock

One of the most adventurous things left us is to go to bed. For no one can lay a hand on our dreams.

OOC Text:

Word Count: 249

The white and black wolf-dog trotted over to Mato. All right Mato, if we gonna listen to you an' your teachins, you gotta make 'em not boring. Alastar giggled and swatted the bear's nose with her tail. Mato grunted in reply. Teachin' ain't 'bout fun 'er borin' 'er whatnot. You two gotta pay 'tention or I'll send ya both back to ta' cave. Mato rose slowly and stretched, letting out a mighty roar as he did so. He walked downstream a bit and, with a tilt of his head, motioned for the pups to follow.

Alastar stepped behind Athena and headbutted her firmly but gently in the rump, encouraging her onward. With pride, the wolf-dog began telling Athena about the plants Mato had already told her about. Mato's already showed me a couple plants, she started as the two pups followed behind the bear. Clover tastes good. You gotta eat the leaves. An' is soft! Fun to play in! You'll like it. An' there's dock! I like playin' with it. Alastar broke off for a moment, disappearing into the underbrush. She emerged again with a leafy stalk in her mouth, grinning. She swished it at Athena's muzzle and little pollen and plant particles buzzed around the brown wolf. Alastar giggled. See, dock! You can eat 'em both like clover, but not too much, 'cuz like Mato says, if is too much makes yer stomach hurt! The wolf-dog giggled and nodded to Mato. You ready to learn 'bout plants, Athena?
I wish I was strong enough to lift not one, but both of us.


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