M - Toddlers, Brats, and Dad

Helotes Lykoi

Word Count → 310 :: Yay for Basilio speaking Spanglish XD he said "then I ate it, it was really tasty!"

The woman leaned into him, and when she did that for a moment Helotes did not have two rambunctious pups running around in the flowers, but a strong, single man with a very attractive girl against him. But it was short lived, and she pulled away, even though she was thanking him for his kindness; his ego took a bit of a bruising.

But then she was speaking again, her voice low, and he knew what she was about to say was very hard to tell, and very dark. His ears were pushed all the way forward as he listened, but as soon as she began her story he already knew how it would end. She had been raped, and he could understand why; had he run into her in the same circumstances, and had he been his younger self… he might have done the same.

Still, he could tell it had disturbed her, and he touched her shoulder again with a hand, Look… chica… that’s… He stumbled for what to say; what could a former rapist say to a rape victim? You’re a strong girl, don’t let scum like that rub you the wrong way. You will be alright. Put him out of your mind, but if you see the bastard again… call me… I’ll rip his dick off. He grinned then in that Cheshire way of his, hoping that she would be in a better mood.

Suddenly, Basilio came running up to the two of them completely out of breath and his belly covered in burrs, "Papa!" he cried out, pink tongue lolling as he panted, "I caught a bug and then me lo comí. Fue muy tasty!" And than as quick as he had come, he ran off again. Helotes stared afer him for a momento and then just bursted out laughing; his son was something else.

table code from The Mentors!

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