Mind Games
Fayne nodded. She was simply being over protective of her family, her mate, and all her loved ones. It was a time where she was required to be and she would do all in her power to protect each and every one of her pack mates. She silver Delta inhaled deeply an relaxed her body before she exhaled slowly now feeling a lot better. Alister's persuasions had definitely worked and she was now on his side, for the most part. She would keep part of herself concentrated on his actions and words, keeping an ear and eye out for anything suspicious. Fayne was an excellent judge of character though and didn't think this stranger was going to be a problem which was good for her and her family. I know. You haven't made a single step to harm me. All of your moves have been to put me at ease and I see that. Even though she was relaxed now, he was putting forth a great effort to keep her calm and on his side. Surely if he was a spy or one of Amy's henchmen once she calmed down he would make a move, but he stayed still with his hands off his weapon.

A smile crept onto her dark lips when he complimented her devotion, kind of. That's what it mean to be part of a pack. Complete devotion to your pack mates and your Alphas. She wondered he was or had ever been part of a pack. If he ever had, then he should understand why she was being the way she was. Fayne was the type of woman to give everyone a chance before she judged them which was exactly she had settled down.

Her brow furrowed as he spoke. Why did he think such little of himself? In a way, she could relate. But, then she found New Dawn and they shined a light on her that she'd never seen before. Now she believed in herself and knew she was worth something. Why else would she be Delta, or have a handsome and charming mate within the pack? Her heart soared thinking of the stormy giant who she adored so. But, the smile quickly faded as she listened to the man's story, not liking what she heard one bit. Even with all he said, she never saw him less than a kind hearted man with a trouble past. Routes meant nothing, nor did the blood that ran through your veins. At least not to Fayne. The silver woman walked closer and peered into his eyes with an understanding emerald gaze. She was still timid, but would try to help the man with his troubles. I don't think the blood that courses through you makes you any less then I or anyone else. We are both canines, we share the same blood. Although I do see the problem with your mother and father being from different sides.

Fayne sighed and sat herself down now that she was closer to him, she could easily see his eyes and all the emotions that they entailed. In my eyes, you are the same as me or anyone else. I have pack mates with dog blood and I accept them as equals. Though, I do understand that not everyone can be so kind. There are those with judgments. She said all she could to help before he spoke up and she gave a lighthearted laugh. Of course! Sorry about our introduction, it was harsh. Her tail was beginning to pick up behind her, lightly thumping on the forest ground. Her eyes were much softer and kinder and her body finally at ease. There was a hidden tenseness in her though which she didn't show to the stranger. She'd be ready if he made a move.

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