I've Seen Fire (Laruku)

indent She cocked her head at him, wondering why he was being so stubborn. She knew he had hurt others, that she could see in his eyes, but for every one he hurt, he hurt himself as well. The pain was obvious. It was almost insulting to hear his reaction, that there was nothing to start over for. He had his pack, didn't he? He had her. But then, she understood. She came and went just like the rest of them, she'd only now returned... how could she expect him to consider her some sort of perminent entity.

indent He stated simply, then, that she couldn't fix him. Of course, she already knew that. A long time ago, she had tried to fix others. She'd talked to them, soothed them... but only a few hurts, only minor scrapes, can ever be truly healed. That much she knew. There was no fixing anyone, or even changing them, unless they did it themselves. "I don't want to change you." She said, softly, wondering what sort of a road she was going down. She breifly wondered if he even had it in him to love anymore. But, perhaps he would again, someday, and this time, Melisande would be around. "I just wish I could see you smile again."


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