This is for you

Current Objective: Diplomacy ---
Form: Lupus.----
Mood: Concentrated--

Thankfully the wait wouldn't be too long, he had found X'yrin without much trouble and even with things as they were within the pack she had gracefully agreed to grant access to this member onto her lands. So heading back the way he came he would arrive once more on the scene several minutes later. " You have been granted access to our lands". He would state formally, giving the sort of go ahead for the girl to enter. Of course it wasn't HIS go ahead, that in itself was something that he was going to have to fix with X'yrin. Wouldn't be much of an ambassador or even diplomat if he couldn't give something as simple as entry permissions. But of course, the pack was still fledgling and so was his role within it. So such things could be forgiven for the moment as mere oversight, something he was sure would be corrected in time.

" If you would follow me back to our pack grounds".

X'ies would then turn and lead the way back towards the main communal area of the pack. Things were, as one could imagine not quite set up fully or completely yet. Living grounds were for the most part taken care of but the pack was still coming into its own, business, trade and such were still things that had yet to be organized and no one had yet spelled out what kinds of things they would be doing to take advantage of the land that they lived on. " So tell me my lady....just what lands is it that you yourself call home?". X'ies asked partly out of curiosity, and partly as a way of soothing along the tides of conversation.



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