Not Goodbye, But See You Later.
As soon as the comforting scent of her mate dissipated wild dreams began to fill the sleeping fae's head. She frowned in her sleep, brows creasing together to form a shallow v. She murmured quietly, soft whimpering sounds. Within her dream Jace was confronted by a series of increasingly horrific scenes, memories of blood and violence from her past that had her turning suddenly in the soft furs. She gasped silently, the air flowing through her parted lips and she shivered. The woman woke with a gasp, her chest rising and falling with her quick breathing. Her eyes flicked side to side, unseeing, uncomprehending and she whined. Where was she.

"Temo!?" Just like before her voice was frail and vulnerable, confused and almost scared. "Temo? Are you there?" Her tone was high pitched in distress but still quiet. Oh no, she was all alone wasn't she, in this unfamiliar house that she couldn't remember. Normally she would not be so worried but this pregnancy was taxing on her strength, she was almost gaunt and it was obvious that she had lost weight despite her rounded stomach. She was weak at this time, weak and helpless, she hated the feeling.

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