The more the merrier

Charm Sawtooth,
Word Count :: 315

It might be a mistake
A mistake I'm makin'

But what you're giving I'm happy to be taking.

Charm knew that Aeron was upset with her, and she had an idea as to why she was upset with her. Charm just did not want her beloved to see what had happened to her, or for that matter to even know what happened to her. Charm knew that Aeron still felt bad for the whole knife going though her shoulder. For the golden coyote to find out that someone had branded her there, and left a scar on top of what Aeron had done, then she knew it would be yet another melt down in the house hold, and that was not something that the female wanted.

Charm sighed and looked over at her golden coated lover, and then down to the child. Charm would always and forever be faithful to Aeron. The lady smiled over to the male as she dipped her hip down and shifted her foot towards the male. ”I would love to have a strong, and handsome male like you helping me out in the barn…helping with the careing of the animals, feeding them, breeding them for the working of the lands. Just think after we get our work done for the day we could lay around in the hay loft and talk and have straw fights. “ She spoke wishfully, and then she brought both of her armed up and clapped them together in front of her chest as she gave a light flirty giggle. She brought down her hands quickly as she grimaced though the pain in her shoulder. She shifted her feet back around as she cleared her voice. Looking over to Aeron the calico wolf smiled softly ”Don’t let the two of them fool you. Aeron and Pride are very talented ladies. I can say I have never every meet any two more talented ladies ever.” The Sawtooth lady boosted about the Atheed and her daughter.


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