Homeless and Helpless
Even though Fayne had an instinct when it came to these things, she'd never before handled someone so young, small, and fragile body and soul. Her heart went out to the pup as he shivered helplessly under the tree as if his mother would pop out of nowhere and come save him. The cold reality was that his momma probably had not the slightest clue to his whereabouts. After a few short moments the bloodied puppy answered her, his voice unsure and quiet. She could understand how frightened he must be, but how was she supposed to help if he didn't let her. She didn't know how else to persuade him to let her help. She could pick up his name from the short sentences he spoke, Zues, though pronounced it a little off and she made her best guess to pronounce it properly. Hopefully she would hit it on target and he would respond.

Zues whined again and Fayne lay her head on her paws taking a deep breath. She was beginning to panic more knowing that he wouldn't come out and let her help him. She wasn't going to pry him from the safety of the roots for fear that he would do further harm to himself in a struggle. She tried to speak to him again, lowering her voice even more. It hit her that with him being so young, maybe he didn't quite understand the severity of the situation or what she was telling him. She tried to clarify her speech so he would be able to pick it up clearer. Zues, you're hurt. Let me help. You're safe now. Her words had no effect on him and he began to cry. Another whine trailed from the silver fae's maw wishing she could do something more than sit her and try to talk him into coming out. Fayne's ears pushed forward as he was startled, inching out from under the tree in a panic. If he made movements like that he would injure himself more.

Fayne approached whining as she did so, she needed to be the least threatening she could be for him. Her nose touched his scruff and she whispered to him. It's okay, shhhh. Then as carefully as she could she took him by the scruff, teeth grasping the loose skin on his neck as gently as she could. She tested him for a moment to see if he would react harshly and then pulled him close tucking up under her so he felt safe. It was then that she heard the rustle of brush and a stranger's scent waft into her nose, her head turned to see a two-legger approaching them. The stranger didn't at all look threatening, concerned more than anything which was a relief to Fayne. She didn't want to and couldn't deal with violent strangers right now, the safety of the pup the most important thing to her at the moment. Her ears pushed back again as she lay emerald eyes on the strangely colored woman. Oh thank the stars. I assume your from the pack that's near here? She bobbed her head and waited for an answer before continuing. I found this very young pup, he's hurt, bad. He's frightened and skittish so be cautious. She warned, hoping Zues wouldn't get frightened further by the presence of the female.

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